Mar 18, 2009

My Rock

I am sure I am not the only one who feels that the space mothers have in our lives is something that falls short of words. ..but despite this limitation, I wanted to attempt to scribble few things about my rock, my mother who has been everything to me and my brothers.

My mother is a very special woman, yes I am biased , but for me she is the symbol of an ultimate woman, who loves and lives for others. A wise and extremely open minded person, perhaps this is what makes her a valuable well of solutions; nothing is dismissed in my mother's head as unacceptable or useless without being given some consideration. What most of us fail to see, she sees and understand, and I think this amazing quality comes from the exercise of accepting people, opening up to them.

In middle school I embarked upon a silly but yet insightful project where I started asking people, friends, family, neighbours etc, what they think life is, I gave them an old notebook , I asked them to jot down what they think ‘ life’ is all about...i had about 20 entries...again, i am biased, but what my mother wrote strikes out...she wrote that in life you live for yourself only to some point, then you cease being the centre of your own life and start living for those whom you love. Your existence becomes defined by tem. She went on to explain that this was not a burden nor an obligation, but the very joy of life. No wonder I feel like the most loved daughter in the whole world! :)

My mother is my rock. She supports me in every way...but the most acute crucial form of support she provides me comes in emotional support, she is my patient for my impatient self, she is my flow of faith when I tend to give up, she is the speed ramp on the road which slows me down when I am speeding in life..trying to do it all at once...she is my reality check, who reminds me of what is important and what really counts in life when too often I get carried away with dreams which are not mine.

Besides the unending flow of love she showers me with, my mother is my teacher. She is a teacher of life. She continues to teach me so many invaluable lessons, she has taught me that it is not the extent of your achievements and distinctions that really matters but the person you have come to be inside, for that is what determines what kind of waves and storms you can stand through and how high you can bounce back after being knocked off your feet. By believing in me, my mother has taught me to believe in others, to be inspiration to those who need it, to be the courage and not the limit, the solution and not the predicament for others. But most of all , I have learned from my mother the art, the beauty, the joy of living for others!!


  1. Well and brilliantly put together.

  2. Wow, quite a piece of art you made there! I hope I can be like your mother for my children.

  3. I can't bare to imagine what would our lives be like if she was not part of it - our rock indeed (and this is what I lack, putting emotions into word flows like u just did, it's just astonishing:) )
