Feb 26, 2010

They Say ‘life is what happens when you are busy making other plans’

I never knew listening to your inner voice could be this hard. But it is damn hard and challenging when there is so much noise around you. Life in the 21st century has become fast, to say the least. It has become a make it or die game. Constant competition, constant struggle. One is expected to always keep an open eye for opportunities, one is expected to be all rounded. Having one exceptional and well refined skill no longer grants the key to success...you have to be the shit!...in so many things.

So in this fast-paced, goal –oriented 21st century one is expected to keep chasing for better opportunities, advance to better places. By places, I am not only referring to metaphysical places, like a better mental place or a better educational status...I also mean physical, geographical places. Especially in the Ethiopian community, we are always told to go that better place..and if we are already there...for the love of God we need to stay there!....and if there is noooo way you want to stay in that ‘higher’ place called the western world for good, you at least need to consider remaining there for a couple of years ( note that couple of years could mean 15, 20 or 5) to earn some money, experience, insights or whatever....this seems so logical and a very widespread thought that it makes me question the validity of my dreams and innver voice.

Cos, I don’t want to stay. I don’t want the life I want to pass me when I am busy making plans or preparing for the future. I want to live my desires now...cos tomorrow is never guaranteed. For the past years I have been going back and forth two worlds...my heart never settling in my new ‘homes’. I am the happiest and the most fulfilled in Ethiopia. And my inner voice tells me , in a very loud voice, that it is there where I can/ and should contribute the most.

Life does not make much sense to me if it is separated and away from family and childhood and close friends. And the more time I spend abroad, the more I see myself drifting away from the religion I have been raised in, the culture and the ethics I have been brought up in.
So I might have to buy a one way ticket home..


  1. One way ticket home? Ouuu..but I feel happy knowing that you will be there whenever I decide to come back. Hopefully soon too:)

  2. "Remember me when you go to your kingdom, sitted at the right handside of thy father!" lol

    Just promise you make a difference with that ticket!
